Hosting the Zurich R User Meetup is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your company. Share your space, bring other data enthusiasts to your organization and contribute to the vibrant R programming community in the Zurich greater area.
Over the last three decades, The R Project for Statistical Computing has become a go-to software package across disciplines. The project's active and inclusive community is the motor behind more than 25K extension packages that propelled the R languages from domain specific niche tool to popular general purpose language. Modern R applications range from state-of-the art statistical models and machine learning to webscrapers, APIs, blogs, interactive data visualization and dashboards. Give your team a chance to present their use case and open source enthusiasts to your organization.
The Zurich R Meetup is one of the largest and most established tech meetups in the Zurich greater area and among the largest R user groups in all of Europe. Bring a highly skilled community of data professionals, researchers, and students to your organisation. Engage with potential future employees passionate about analytics and innovation. Give back to the local open source community and host a Zurich R user meetup!
cynkra | datahouse | eBay | Helbling Group |
Impact Hub Zurich | Microsoft | Mirai Solutions | Neue Zürcher Zeitung |
PartnerRe | R Consortium | RStudio | Sanitas |
Statistical Office Kanton Zurich | Helsana |